The Kapisanang Mandirigma Eskrima Training Institute
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Alex Co is synonymous with martial arts in the Philippines. He is grandmaster of Ngo Cho and Tang Lang, owner of the beloved Squadron Shop, publisher of books and magazines, and supporter of all teachers and styles. Master Co has done so much for so many, never asking for anything in return. His life has been filled with friends and masters and robust health and financial stability. He has been my mentor for over 20 years.
Now, he is sick, he is poor, he is weak, and his life is touch and go each month.
Master Co suffers from multiple morbidities: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Low Blood Pressure, and Kidney Failure. He can no longer urinate. He has had several surgeries in the past few years. Stents in his heart, stents in his legs, and he is in dialysis 5 hours a day, 4 days per week. He recently almost had his legs amputated.
The thing is, Master Co could have a kidney transplant, except his heart it too weak. It is only at 25% function. But he cannot afford the heart bypass to make him strong enough for the kidney transplant. He has spent all his retirement on temporary procedures to keep him alive. But now the doctors told him he has a 50% chance of suffering heart attack each time he is connected to the dialiysis machine. And they have recommended another heart stent. He cannot afford it.
So now, the most generous and knowledgeable teacher in Manila, who has been mentor to many and financial supporter of many passed masters, like Tatang Ilustrisimo, Edgar Sulite and more… is at the threshold of life and death. One day feels ok and the next he is flattened and swollen and unable to breath and in need of more temporary surgeries.
Those who know and love Master Co, who is only in his mid-60s, do not want this legend to pass from this earth, We ask for your help. He needs your support. A few dollars, a hundred dollars… whatever donation you can manage. If we can raise enough for the heart bypass, the docs say he will be strong enough for the kidney transplant, and perhaps live another 15 years. If we can’t do it in time, there may be no more time.
Please help, as you can. Please.
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Grandmaster Alex Co is a longtime practitioner of the Philippine Warrior Arts. He is also a member of Bakbakan International and has published several book on the subject, most notably the books on Lameco Eskrima by Punong Guro Edgar Sulite. Grandmaster Alex is a living Martial Arts treasure of the Philippines.
Greetings friends,
We are seeking assistance for Master Tony Diego of Kalis Ilustrisimo.
Master Diego’s wife has breast cancer and has just had surgery for the second time. Sadly, even with surgery it has spread and costly chemotherapy is required. Master Diego is retired from work and has no medical or retirement benefits, so any amount donated will be very much appreciated and put to good use.
If you would like to donate you can contact Dino at:
or you can contact Peachie Baron at:
Lameco Eskrima SOG Los Angeles • Kali Ilustrisimo Los Angeles The Kapisanang Mandirigma Institute teaches several forms of Philippine Warrior Arts. Although they are related they are kept and taught separately in order to maintain purity and original intent of each program. LAMECO ESKRIMA SOG METHOD / LAMECO BACKYARD ESKRIMA - Lameco Eskrima - S.O.G. Method. The Fighting method of Punong Guro Edgar Sulite as taught to his "Invitation Only" group. Also known as … [Read More...]
Salutation at the beginning of training.
I come seeking Knowledge.
I offer you my Respect.
I offer you my Loyalty.
I am ready to train.
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