Kapisanang Mandirigma Germany Representative
Christof Froehlich is the Kapisanang Mandirigma Germany Representative. He is in the process of obtaining his Level One Trainer Credentials. He can be contacted at: http://facebook.com/About Christof Froehlich:
Christof Froehlich is a longtime Practioner of Lameco Eskrima under Guro Antas Tatlo Wolfgang Mueller (Lameco Arnis Club Frankfurt/Main – Germany), training with him mostly on a private basis. He started at the age of 9 with Judo, but moved on to learn TKD/Kickboxing and later Muay Thai and Western Boxing. From 1988 to 1991 he studied Wing Tsun under Heiko Martin and had some privates with Emin Boztepe.On the search for something different, Christof met Sifu Howard Williams and Bob Baker through Georg Tan in London, which was an Eyeopener for him. After that he became more interested in JKD, initially he learned through a pactitioner with Inosanto-Linage-Knowledge. He then learned JKD through Sifu Larry Hartsell himself, who was also the one to give him a lesson in Lameco Eskrima.
Seminars with Pendekar Paul de Thouras, Sifu Rick Faye, Sifu Rick Young, Sifu Jesse Glover, Sifu Richard Bustililo, Tom Sotis, Pat O’Malley, and many more followed.
In 2009 Sifu Tim Tackett presented him with his apprentice Instructor Certificate.
Not being able to find proper training in Lameco at that time, he trained with Ralf Tebel, a Muay Thai Practioner that taught Latosa Eskrima as well, but with a touch of Muay Thai. Very competive days, but always good.
A business opportunity in 2000 allowed Christof to move to the Rhein-Main-Area, where by luck and good fortune he found that Guro Wolfgang Mueller was teaching in Frankfurt. This turn of events also led Wolfgang to introduce him to Guro Dave Gould, who also instructed him privately in Lameco Eskrima.
An opportunity to meet W. Hock Hochheim lead to an invitation to do a seminar in Germany. Hock’s modern and tactical approch was well received and thus he returned to Germany several times, sometimes twice a year. Hock Hochheim awarded Christof with several certificates including the Master Instructor Certificates in Knife/CounterKnife Combatives, Filipino Knife, Pacific Archipelago Combatives, Filipino Combatives, Solo Dos Manos Combatives and some other Certificates like the Gun/CounterGun Combatives Basic Instructor and the Unarmed Combatives Basic Instructor Level 4.
Christof also holds an ASP Telescopic Baton Instructor Certificate.
In 2007 Christof travelled to Great Britian to meet Guro Jun Pueblos, a close friend of PG Guro Edgar Sulite and a high ranked Lameco Instructor.
In 2011 Guro Dave Gould returned to Germany for a long overdue seminar and visit. During a lengthly conversation, Guro Dave recommended Guro Dino Flores very highly. This led to Christof inviting Guro Dino to Germany for a seminar. Guro Dino accepted the invitation and after several seminars it was decided after to begin a chapter of Kapisanang Mandirigma in Germany.
Christof hopes that it will grow and prosper in an honorable manner, while always giving credit to its esteemed lineage which includes the teachings of Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite and Master Christopher N. Ricketts.
Email christof@backyardeskrima.de
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